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Brian Storm
Fiction, Nonfiction
United States
Brian Storm grew up in Philadelphia, PA, where he discovered a passion for writing at an early age. However, a drug addiction took priority over Brian’s life, as he spent the next 15 years selling drugs to support his habit.Eventually, Brian turned his life around with the help of a 12-step program, where he discovered a passion for helping other alcoholics and addicts. This passion led Brian to write his memoir, The Struggle, as a way to share his experience, strength, and hope with others. Years later, Brian pursued a career at the Free Library of Philadelphia and went back to school to obtain his Associate of Arts Degree. In 2016, Brian married his soulmate, Monica, who helped him recognize his love for rescuing animals in need.

The Struggle: 10 Years Later - Memoir (to be released 3/14/23)T he Monkey on My Brother's Back - Children's Picture Book

I am a recovering heroin addict who is coming up on 13 years clean and sober. I wrote my memoir to give hope to struggling addicts and their loved ones. I believe my story proves that no matter how far down the rabbit hole an addict goes, they can always make it back out and live a happy, productive life.