Author Blurb Podcast


Review Request

Author Blurb has put the author interviews on hold, but book reviews will still be added to the podcast. As I determine which books that I will review, I have added an option so authors may submit their books for review.

Please know these few things before submitting.

  • I do not promise a positive review, but my personal honest review.
  • Any books sent to me will not be sent back, unless you send an envelope with return postage.
  • I read a large range of books, but will not consider romance.
  • With limited time currently, I expect to only do two to four book reviews a month
  • Your audio pitch will be used in the review, so keep that in mind.
  • If you don’t get a response from me in a week or two, please don’t keep emailing me.
  • Any book sent without the form filled out and the audio pitch included may be read, but no review will be done.

Submit for a review by filling out the form and leave a short pitch under 90 seconds as to why your book should be reviewed.

Leave your pitch here:

All books can be sent to:

Physical Books: 12819 Pinecrest Rd., Herndon, VA 20171 Attention: Author Blurb Review

ebooks and audiobooks: