ABP017 Interview: Jeff Berney and his two Thriller novels
Jeff Berney is the author of A Killer Secret and The Fall of Faith. These two thrillers brings different approaches to keep you asking who and how. Jeff has had people call his books “Dark, Intense, but Strong” and a “Thrill Ride!”. With these two amazing thrillers being raved on by so many, how have you not got your copy yet?
In an entertaining conversation, Jeff Berney comes on with the stories behind his books and insights that drive you to want to know more. He gives those who get his book, a tour into his thrillers while answering the questions you want to know.
You can find this author’s information on AuthorBlurb.com guest list, his website, or any of the places listed below.
Website: https://jeffberney.com/
And more at: https://authorblurb.com/profile/jeff+berney/
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Your Host: E.A. Maynard (https://authorblurb/Maynard)
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2aj47i-interview-jeff-berney-and-his-two-thriller-novels.html
YouTube: https://youtu.be/vOg7Dj-rC98
**All Transcripts at AuthorBlurb.com are produced by AI. Not everything is perfect, but they are funny at times.