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Rick and Jane McKinney
United States

Rick and Jane McKinney have lived an extraordinary life of ministry. Once described as
“mavericks,” they have literally stepped out into the unknown to embrace God’s
call and have experienced His presence in a way that only comes through a life
of obedience. Whether planting and pastoring churches, traveling the world to
perform concerts, building a house in Mexico, traveling from village to village
in India, or walking across America, they have followed His voice as He led
them forward, one step at a time.

  • And...So We Walked - Rick and Jane McKinney
  • Sharing Jesus Without Saying a Word - Rick McKinney

Latest Project: How would you respond if asked to do something you knew was impossible? Something so difficult, so crazy, so beyond your ability that it didn’t even make sense. You’d dismiss it, forget about it and act like you were never asked, right? But what if it were God asking? What if you were absolutely sure that you had just heard God speak? This is that story. The story of two very unlikely people who were asked by God to walk across America. They were to walk from one side of the country to the other, in every conceivable kind of weather, facing what seemed like insurmountable odds, taking every step together and accomplish it in just six months. As you read, you’ll take each step with them: Meet the people they met, hear the prayers they prayed, feel their pain and celebrate their victories. This is the incredible, true account of their once-in-a-lifetime, adventurous journey.