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A nationally known legal ethicist, public speaker and humorist, as well as a full time appellate attorney, Mike has had a varied career. He has been a professional jazz pianist in the New Orleans French Quarter, a radio and television announcer, and anadjunct law professor. He won the Burton Award for Outstanding Writing given at the Library of Congress and is a member of the Author’s Guild, the International Thriller Writers, the Mystery Writers of America, and the International Association of Crime Writers.Ayanhas had an equally varied career, having been a classroom teacher, an education administrator, a prolific grant writer, a developmental book editor, a nonprofit consultant, and, for almost three decades, the Coordinator of the Educational Services Divisionof Louisiana Public Broadcasting, a statewide television network, where she was responsible for initiating and then shepherding a wide variety of video projects from concept through script development and production to statewide and national broadcast.Mike’sbreadth of knowledge about the intricacies of the law and his penchant for devising dramatic situations, combined with Ayan’s unique ability to visualize and bring characters and scenes to life, make for taut tales with unrelenting twists and turns.

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Michael H. Rubin

University of Lafayette Press - A WHITE HOT PLAN (national release 3/14/23)
Fiery Seas Press - CASHED OUT (2017); Cypress Rim Press (second edition) (2019)
Louisiana University Press - THE COTTONCREST CURSE (2014).

Fiction, Nonfiction
Mystery, Thriller
United States
A nationally known legal ethicist, public speaker and humorist, as well as a full time appellate attorney, Mike has had a varied career. He has been a professional jazz pianist in the New Orleans French Quarter, a radio and television announcer, and an adjunct law professor. He won the Burton Award for Outstanding Writing given at the Library of Congress and is a member of the Author’s Guild, the International Thriller Writers, the Mystery Writers of America, and the International Association of Crime Writers.Ayan has had an equally varied career, having been a classroom teacher, an education administrator, a prolific grant writer, a developmental book editor, a nonprofit consultant, and, for almost three decades, the Coordinator of the Educational Services Division of Louisiana Public Broadcasting, a statewide television network, where she was responsible for initiating and then shepherding a wide variety of video projects from concept through script development and production to statewide and national broadcast.Mike’s breadth of knowledge about the intricacies of the law and his penchant for devising dramatic situations, combined with Ayan’s unique ability to visualize and bring characters and scenes to life, make for taut tales with unrelenting twists and turns.
  • THE COTTONCREST CURSE, thriller, La. State University Press (2014)
  • CASHED OUT, thriller, Fiery Seas Publishing (2017), Cypress Rim Publishing (2019, second edition)
  • A WHITE HOT PLAN, mystery/thriller, University of Lafayette Press (3/14/23)LOUISIANA SECURITY DEVICES, A PRECIS,
  • non-fiction: legal treatise, Lexis/Nexis (2014), 2nd edition, Carolina Academic Press (2017).

Here's the press release on our latest book. I can send you a pdf of the cover if you would like it. UL Press is proud to announce the upcoming release of A White Hot Plan, a new thriller from veteran author-duo Mike and Ayan Rubin, hitting bookstores March 2023. In A White Hot Plan, a group of alt-right terrorists decides that now is the time—and New Orleans is the place—to make an explosive statement that will force the world to acknowledge the superiority of the white supremacist movement. Meanwhile, disgraced former New Orleans homicide detective Starner Gautreaux is a poorly paid sheriff’s deputy relegated to writing his weekly quota of speeding tickets in a sleepy south Louisiana parish until several unusual events occur that cause him to suspect something is seriously amiss. Taut action bubbles up from the swamps of Louisiana to the hidden haunts of underworld bosses, from small-town life to urban grit, and from a high-speed highway shootout to a terrifying confrontation in the heart of the French Quarter. White supremacists seek to impose their will on a city swamped with carefree tourists, but Starner Gautreaux is determined not to let that happen. Publisher’s Weekly, reviewing their thriller, The Cottoncrest Curse, wrote, “Rubin’s gripping debut mystery depicts the bitter racial divides of post-Reconstruction South and its continuing legacy.” Foreword Reviews praised their second novel, Cashed Out: “Cash in on this thrilling read from Michael H. Rubin. Set in the sweltering heat of the Louisiana bayou, Cashed Out is enthralling.” Ellen Byron, USA Today Bestselling Author, says: “With its terrifying and all-too-real plot involving white supremacists bent on annihilating the diverse city of New Orleans, A White Hot Plan is a gripping, propulsive thriller I couldn't put down.” LA Times Best-Selling Author Baron Birtcher acclaims: “A White Hot Plan is a lightning-paced hardboiled winner!” A White Hot Plan can be purchased online at and other major retailers. The husband-and-wife writing team of Mike and Ayan Rubin co-author award-winning thrillers. Mike is a public speaker and humorist, a full-time appellate attorney, and a former law professor, as well as having been a professional jazz pianist in the New Orleans French Quarter. Ayan is a developmental book editor, a former television script writer, a prolific grant writer, and the former Coordinator of the Educational Services for Louisiana Public Broadcasting, a statewide television network. Their compelling tales have enthralled readers from around the world. The University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press, better known as UL Press, specializes in publishing high-quality scholarship as well as works of fiction, creative nonfiction, children’s books, cookbooks, poetry, and general interest titles focused primarily on Louisiana. With a publishing history of more than fifty years and a large catalog of over 300 titles, UL Press is a member of the Association of University Presses and a part of the Center for Louisiana Studies, a division of UL Lafayette’s College of Liberal Arts.